Game On: The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport

My lovely friend and former colleague Sue Anstiss has wrote a book, and what a mighty fine book it is.

Game On: The Unstoppable Rise of Women’s Sport draws on Sue personal experiences along with interviews with high profile athletes, broadcasters and journalists, CEOs and sponsors to investigate the extraordinary imbalance which exists in sport when it comes to investment, funding and opportunities. The book brings to life vividly the history of women’s sport, but more importantly challenges the reader to raise their game to help create a level playing field. 

Sue was perfectly suited to write this book and I am so proud of her for following her dream and making it happen. For as long as I have known Sue she has championed women’s sport, something that by her own admission in the book you will learn started later in life as she brough up her three girls. 

It’s a great read and I’m not just saying that because I know the author and I hear her voice with every word. I encourage everyone to read it, not just those who work in sport or physical activity, but anyone who strives to give their ‘important’ females (wives, partners, daughters etc.) the best opportunities in life. It reflects society at large, not just sport, and the discrimination that still exists on many levels. 

My own personal outtake so far from reading Game On? To not accept the way things are ‘because that is the way it’s always been’, to question and challenge more, and to encourage my own daughter to do the same so that another book like Game On isn’t needed when she is a mother herself.  

You can find out more information here.


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