Meet the London Landmarks Team

To be working on the London Landmarks Half Marathon again is fantastic, but I know this is a job bigger than one person. I’ve had to build a team around me to ensure I deliver on my promise to drive widespread awareness of this unique charity event taking place on 1 August. 

 Meet the team:  

Jenny Scott and I first crossed paths whilst I was at Promote and Jenny was supporting The Women’s Sport Trust.  Jenny comes with a wealth PR, marketing and communications experience having worked in sports and outdoors for the last 15yrs, both in-house at Camelot and also Team GB, and agency side at Brand Nation. Her ability to drive coverage in the fitness media along with her own personal love of running ideally placed her to join the team.  

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Lynsey Sizer  and I both cut our teeth together very early in our careers on Mattel and have stayed in touch ever since.  Lynsey is the perfect balance for Jenny’s media work with her envious black book of lifestyle media contacts and eye for a compelling people story.  

Lynsey said: “The London Landmarks Half Marathon is like no other project I have worked on, it really does have something special about it and I feel lucky to be part of it all this year. Every runner I interview for media talks about the ‘magic’ that this run captures and many are running for a third time, they enjoy it so much. It is an honour to be able to share runners’ emotive stories, talking about how the event makes them feel, how it has inspired them to carry on through life’s tragedies and the incredible fund raising they’re achieving for charities close to their heart.” 



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