National Apprenticeship Week

Premiership Rugby’s flagship education and employability programme HITZ has helped 14-24 year olds not in education, training or employment gain qualifications, employability skills and secure apprenticeships for over 15 years.

Raising the profile of the vital work the programme does during a National Apprenticeship Week required GTA to provide cut through. The solution was an emotive storytelling video highlighting the hard work, determination and character of HITZ participants who had secured apprenticeship roles thanks to HITZ.

In a film which showcases their inspirational journeys and how the HITZ programme uses the core values of rugby, they tell their stories transformation from having no direction to now having built confidence, finding purpose and being clear on a new positive direction for their lives. 

The film was used across Premiership Rugby channels and by Premiership Clubs. It was issued to the rugby community and the media increasing awareness of the impact HITZ has on the lives of young people, who thanks to the programme have become an apprentice as the first step towards employment and independence.



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