GB Taekwondo Content Day

The forthcoming World Taekwondo Grand Prix Final presented us with a unique opportunity! As the athlete’s competing are those ranked in the world’s top 15 – we already know the majority of the GB Taekwondo Squad competition this November.

So off we went to Manchester earlier this week for a content filming day with the likes of Jade Jones, Bianca Cook, Bradly Sinden and Beth Munro amongst others.  We’ve created a platform ‘Champions Unleashed’ for this event as it really is Champion V Champion so we spent the day filming the GB squad talking about their biggest champions, the champions they are looking forward to fighting and what makes a champion.

It's amazing how much you can cram into 6 hours of filming to create 7 week’s worth of compelling video content.

Keep an eye on our socials for the videos as they are released!


Ooo It Spins!


BBC Bullseye