HITZ Awards: Why we love this programme that changes lives through rugby
November marked one of our favourite events of the year, the annual Premiership Rugby HITZ Awards, which saw nominees gather at Twickenham stadium for a reception with Premiership and England players Ollie Hassell-Collins, Ollie Thorley, Stephan Lewies and Ben Moon. Hosted by Topsy Ojo, the Awards celebrate young people who participate in the Premiership Rugby flagship education and employability programme.
Since 2008 the HITZ family across premiership clubs has been delivering an award-winning programme to support young people to achieve qualifications whilst learning employment skills to secure jobs and apprenticeships. Why do we love it? Because this programme produces inspirational independent young individuals along with selfless volunteers who help mentor them to carve out a brighter future.
Sharing moving stories with the room via videos at these awards they showcase their life at HITZ in an environment where they thrive. Often coming from a background of extreme hardship or trauma these young people have struggled to stay in mainstream education. Hearing first hand how they found people ‘like them’ at HITZ and seeing the journey they take to come out the other side with qualifications, newfound confidence and a drive to succeed is incredible. The event drives home why community programmes are prioritised at the PRL.
The atmosphere in the room was one of awe and celebration at what these role models have achieved, and what lies ahead.. The pinnacle is seeing the disbelief and gratitude from the winners receiving their awards on stage. Congratulations to winners Fallan, Bunni, Kaci and Andy. We are proud to work with a programme that is engaging, relevant and future proofed to benefit communities and individuals across the country.